New! Multimedia Course for the Internet of Things
Author: Dimitrios Spiliopoulos Publisher: IE University, 2020
an interactive and fun way for universities to prepare students about iot discussions —> iOT MULTIMEDIA
Animations, videos, pop-ups and other interactive features make the student´s journey an entertaining and practical experience in order to develop a full understanding of the Internet of Things in a multimedia format program with an approximate duration of 60 minutes.
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It is ideal for any student without IoT knowledge or experience. There is no need for technical knowledge as it is designed for students from any sector or background who are not familiar with IoT or IT.
This multimedia can be used as preparation for the students to understand IoT, so the professor can discuss later in the class advanced subjects related to:
- IoT and Data related business models, challenges, products, use cases and more
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Innovation
- Analytics / Big Data
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Emerging Technologies
- Business transformation & strategy
- Entrepreneurship using data and smart connected devices
- Change management for tech projects
- Marketing & Sales (business models) with/of smart connected products and analytics
- Law and technology
- Ethics in technology (debates around IoT, AI, etc)
- Use of technology in Architecture, urban planning etc. (Smart Cities & Smart Buildings)
- Impact of emerging technologies in HR management and jobs.
Official Announcement by IE Publishing: